Other pieces of Dolf de Kinkelder in this program: Tribal – Ladders
Shuffle Percussiongroup – Leader: John Sonderen – Theatre program: Slapstick
In Dangerous Game two groups of men and one woman play a dice game, and it’s getting pretty rough. As there is drunkenness, several players momentarily leave the group to take a leak. The game gets tougher – becomes a shouting match – untill one of the players is accused of cheating. A fight starts, which one of the players does not survive.
The dice game continues, till the killer is shot by a member of the competing group. This leads to such a commotion that the men kill each other in turns, untill just the woman and the man left to her remain. At the time the man is likely to be winning, he is shot by the woman, after which she – without looking what dices she had thrown – declares herself as the winner.