Other pieces in this program: Magie 1 – Digital Stress (category Theatre) – Magie 2 (category Concert)
Conductor: John Sonderen – Percussiongroup Crescendo Zevenaar + 9 students of ArtEZ Music Theatre Department: Nike van Essen – Ilse Tanis – Annika Schima – Floor Thissen – Cassandra Onck – Vivian Selman – Mirthe Dokter – Rosine Langbroek – Kira Kool

Rosine Langbroek
Temporary loss of senses is seen when falling in love, in our program WAANZIN one of the aspects of Madness, and musically expressed in the African-like piece
Mahaba Madhara. “Love hurts”. I used lovepoems from the 18th and 19th century – who sound in Swahili already like music.
Ninapokuana wewe, moyo unababaika (when I see you, my heart flutters).
I also used street-language. Men being filthy to women on the marketplace and the heap of abuse they get thrown back.
Mbuzi wewe! (ugly goat-head) Jambazi we! (good-for-nothing) Shika adabu we! (behave yourself, you blockhead)